
pet portraits by commission | est 1996

Two Cat Portrait in Oils

Welcome to our two cat portrait in oils of Sammy. The painting was hand painted by professional artist Nicholas Beall. All of our oil paintings are created using traditional oil paints on Italian line canvas. Oils are the perfect medium for cat portraits, as it enables Nicholas to portray the cats fine and soft fur using fine brushes on fine grain canvas.

Group Cat Portraits

Commission of 'Sammy' - Two Cat Portrait in Oils

Pet portraits reference photos

Gary White, USA contact Nicholas in 2013 to enquiry about his Group Cat Portraits as he was commissioning a portrait of his cat Sammy. Gary White is a returning client of ours and we always enjoy working with him. We have created a number of portraits for Gary and his family which you will see thorough our galleries. Sammy very sadly passed away and Gary and his family miss him dearly so this portrait is a beautiful tribute to their special friend and a lasting memory.

Gary wanted an oil painting at 18 x 14 size but requested it to incorporate two photos of Sammy's typical poses. We chose two photos that blended really well and show Sammy in two very different poses. He looks to have been a very laid back and calm cat, the painting definitely exudes this overall feel.

Our framer, framed the painting using the black and silver frame which matches some of the other frames that Gary has commissioned us to create for him. We also ordered a bespoke engraved plaque in Silver to match the frame. I have added a few photo of Sammy's portrait framed along with some lovely emails from Gary. We hope you enjoy reading and viewing our page about Sammy. Gary has commissioned two other paintings of his cats, why not have a look at the portrait of Sammy also painted in oils on canvas - Two Cat Portrait >>

Happy Client Testimonials

We received a wonderful testimonial from Gary and Barb....

Melanie and Nicholas, Sammy's home. His spirit has always been with us and now his likeness is home. Our first comment was: Stunning! Sammy's head portion is almost 3-D. The background color was superbly chosen and painted. When Sammy was groomed, he looked just like the portrait. What can I tell you Nick, but you should be proud of what you did for us ....... Thank you's don't seem enough! Take Care, GARY


Melanie & Nicholas,
So pleased with Sammy Cat, the colour of his eyes, the tuft of fur on is paw, the regal look about him .... all so real. Yes, he was a relaxed fellow, my companion whenever I sat down in the library. I guess of all my pets he was my closest, I thank Nick for bring him back into our lives. Hope your weekend is going well, Take care, Gary


Melanie, Still dark here in Oklahoma, but it's a favorite time of day for me. We're anxious to receive Nick's rendering of Sammy Cat, and hopefully, soon, I'll get in line for him to paint our departed Chow Chow, Murphy. Take care, Gary

Two Cat Portrait in Oils Framed

The oil painting of Sammy as framed in a black and silver frame and accompanied by a Mirrored Stainless steel silver plaque. These complete the oil paintings beautifully. We hope you enjoy viewing the photos.

Group Cat Portraits framed
Group Cat Portraits
Group Cat Portraits Framed with a plaque

Two Cat Portrait in Oils

We hope that you have enjoyed viewing the Two Cat Portrait in Oils of Sammy. If you would like an oil painting of your cats, please visit our contact page and send us your photos. We can chat about your ideas for your portrait.

View the Next Cat Portrait >>

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