
pet portraits by commission | est 1996

People and Dogs Landscape Portraits

Welcome to our stunning and beautiful oil portrait of Henry and Daisy - people and dogs landscape portraits. Our oil painting was created by Nicholas Beall and is a completely bespoke painting for clients in the USA. Nicholas can be commissioned to paint dogs, however if you have an unusual photo similar to the one of Henry and Daisy, we will always be happy to work with you on your ideas for an oil painting. Nicholas is a skilled landscape painter, he paints landscapes in watercolour in his spare time. This works to his advantage as he can translate his landscape watercolour skills when painting backgrounds in oils for his dog portrait clients. This painting is completely unique...take a look at the shape of the middle tree behind. How wonderful to have this within such an amazing portrait.

People and Dogs Landscape Portraits

Commission of 'Henry and Daisy'

Pet portraits reference photos

Henry Mcintosh, USA was a previous client and he called our studio in 2011 to ask if we would be able to complete a People and Dogs Landscape Portrait for him. Henry recently had a photo taken of himself and his dog Daisy on their boat by Henry's son.

The photo was so unique, Henry felt it would be perfect as the basis for an oil painting. It would be not only be a super way of eventually handing the painting down to his son to remember a special family moment, but it also depicts their beloved dog Daisy in a place that they know and love.

Nicholas has painted the portrait beautifully, from the gentle lapping water, the stones on the beach, to the pretty landscape behind. It really feels as though Henry and Daisy are having a conversation and its a moment in time captured forever. Henry named the painting 'Conversation on the Yellowstone' Nicholas has painted the portrait at 24 x 20 in oils on linen canvas for Henry and his family. We received a lovely testimonial from Henry along with a photo of when Henry and his wife received their painting, along with their dog Daisy too! We love seeing photos of our clients, especially with their pets and portrait too.

Melanie and Nicholas,

I love the progress you are making on the portrait of me and Daisy and our "Conversation on the Yellowstone."

Henry McIntosh

Henry, wife and Daisy with the pet portraits framed

Nicholas and the Landscape Painting

I took a photo of Nicholas with the oil portrait when it was complete. This was taken in our old pet portraits studio. We are now in our new woodland garden studio!

People and Dogs Landscape Portraits with Nicholas Beall
The painting of Henry and Daisy on the Mini Easel

People and Dogs Landscape Portrait

If you have a special 'one off' photo that you feel would make a great oil painting, similar to Henry and Daisy's people and dogs landscape portrait, you are more than welcome to send it to us for appraisal. We can chat about your options and discuss ideas for an oil portrait. Head on over to our pet portraits contact page and drop us a line today.

No Advertising. No Social Media. Our clients make their way to us. But we do have a blog you can follow! Behind The Scenes Blog