
pet portraits by commission | est 1996

Oil Painting Horse Portraits

Welcome to our oil painting horse portraits by Nicholas Beall. Nicholas specialises in horse portraits in oil and the commission below a wonderful opportunity to create a horse jumping portrait. Nicholas solely works using traditional oil paints and works at his easel for many hours to complete his paintings. If you scroll down you can read more about the commission of CC Top and also see photos of the painting framed too.

Oil Painting Horse Portraits by Nicholas Beall

Commission of 'CC Top' - Oil Painting Horse Portrait

horse portraits reference photos

Jeanne Eriksen, Norway, contact Nicholas in 2014 to commission an oil painting horse portrait. Jeanne, who is actually based in the Isle of Man, wanted to send a traditional oil painting of CC Top to her son, who was competing with him in Norway where they reside.

Jeanne emailed us lots of photos, however there was one photo in particular that she wanted Nicholas to use as the main pose of the portrait. You can see this photo on the left and probably note the various things that were enhanced in the painting or omitted to improve on the composition.

The portrait was then painted to the size of 22 x 16 on canvas. You can also see photos of CC Top framed, along with a photo of the portrait framed on the Mini easel in the studio to show scale, along with a testimonial from both Jeanne and her daughter Vicki.

Hi Melanie and Nicholas,
Oh my god, it's beautiful, can't believe how good they are ;)
Vicki We are so excited about it and think it looks great.

Photos of the Oil Painting Horse Portrait Framed

Here are some lovely photos of the painting framed with an inner linen slip.

Oil Painting Horse Portraits by Nicholas Beall
Oil Painting Horse Portraits Framed
Framed Horse Portraits by Nicholas Beall
Framed Portraits by Nicholas Beall

Oil Painting Horse Portrait

The commission of CC Top is completely unique and if you have a photo that you feel would make a wonderful oil painting similar to this one, please do email us. We are always delighted to speak to our clients and chat about their ideas for a painting. Why not drop us a line from our contact page.

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