
pet portraits by commission | est 1996

Dog Portraits - German Shepherd Portrait

Welcome to our German Shepherd Portrait hand painted using Winsor and Newton oils and Italian Linen gallery wrapped stretched canvas. Our dog painting has been traditionally hand painted by British artist Nicholas Beall, who accepts a set amount of dog portraits per year including German Shepherd oil portraits. His oils do take a while to create as they hold a lot of fine detail and realism. He prides himself on creating the perfect dog painting, he does not rush them, each painting takes time to create standing at his easel on a daily basis. Clients all around the world are proud to display their portraits in their homes. This oil painting was based on three separate photos for each German Shepherd and another for a background. This is perfect if you don’t have one photo of all of your dogs together as we can put them together in the scene for you. Why not email us a photo of your German Shepherds, letting us know your thoughts for a dog portrait and its size and we will will be in touch with some ideas for you.

German Shepherd Portraits by Nicholas Beall

German Shepherd Portrait Reference Photos

Nicholas likes to work from one main photo of each dog and if you don’t have photos of your German shepherd together, its not a problem. We can place them in a scene for you. In fact we prefer to see individual photos of each dog as we can see more information in photos to work with. Pat took separate photos of each dog on the same day at the same time which really helps to keep lighting the same throughout. This means by having the same light source your dog painting will look and feel more natural.

german shepherd pet portraits reference photos
german shepherd pet portraits reference photos
german shepherd pet portraits reference photos

Commission of 'Kali, Grace and Zarah'- German Shepherd Portrait

We were contacted in August 2011 by Pat Knauff to chat about Nicholas' oil paintings and German Shepherd Portraits. Pat asked if we would be able to paint their three German Shepherds Kali, Grace and Zarah who had sadly passed away. She wanted to commission a painting to give as a gift for her husbands birthday in 2011. Pat traveled 3 hours to visit our studio to chat about the portrait and discuss with us how she would like it to be. We scanned her photos, created her a mock up and planned everything while she was in the studio. Pat decided to have a 20 x 30 oil on linen portrait with a grass background and a tennis ball in the scene - as they always loved to play. I have added some detailed images below along with some stages of the portrait, a final scan, Nicholas with the portrait along with some close up photos of it framed too. Sadly Pat was unwell when it came time to collect her portrait, however she sent a friend to collect the painting and to bring us a bottle of Champagne. We love our happy clients!

Dear Melanie & Nicholas, Well, that certainly brought tears to my eyes in the nicest possible way!  The girls look beautiful (at least to me!) and Nick, you have absolutely captured their colours and characteristics. Peter will be so so thrilled as indeed am I.
Am very excited to see the final result, and to come and collect it. 
Love to you all, and see you soon !!! Pat xx


Hi Melanie, I just love it and I know that Peter will too !........ Thrilled to bits with the painting - the skills that you both have are truly wonderful. To see the girls again in this format is so different from looking at photographs.  It evokes many many happy memories, and as I said before, tears too. Warmest wishes to you all, Pat xx


Dear Melanie & Nicholas, Just to let you that Peter was absolutely thrilled with his surprise !!  The painting now takes pride of place in the heart of our home where it has already been much admired by family and friends who knew the girls !
Many many thanks, not only for the painting, but also for your kind, friendly and professional manner.  See you in about 12 months when Jai has blossomed !!! Warmest wishes, Pat K x

Pat and Melanie

Pat came to visit us in the studio to chat about the German Shepherd painting. In fact this photo was a few years ago as it was taken in our old studio. We now have a new purpose built studio in our woodland garden.

melanie and pat talking about pet portraits

German Shepherd Portrait on the Mini Easel

We sometimes take photos of our portraits on our Mini Easel so that clients can see the portraits scale. Again this was taken in our old studio. It has such a cute little window, stunning for taking photos in front of.

german shepherd pet portraits on the mini easel

German Shepherd Portrait Framed

Photos below are just a couple from when the portrait was framed. We absolutely love this frame, its discontinued now, however if you would like something similar, our amazing framers can make something for you I am sure. All of our oil painting frames are hand made bespoke and can be hand finished in different golds too.

german sheperd pet portraits framed
german shepherd pet portraits detail of the frame
Nicholas with the German Shepherd Portrait

Nicholas posed with his oil painting of the German Shepherds in our old studio. Doesn’t it look wonderful framed! If you like his German Shepherd painting and would like a portrait similar of your German Shepherd, why not email us your photos from our contact page. Let us know the kind of portrait you might like. The choice is completely down to you with regards to it's design, you might like a head and shoulders with a studio style background, or a full body like this one.

Nicholas with the German Shepherd Pet Portrait

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