
pet portraits by commission | est 1996

Dog Portrait - Collie Pet Portraits in Oil

Welcome to our Border Collie pet portraits of Sam and Scooby. Both dogs were traditionally hand painted in oils on canvas by professional artist Nicholas Beall. Nicholas accepts a limited number of dog portrait commissions per year and the Border Collie dog portrait of Sam and Scooby was a delightful commission to accept. Each collie had their own personality and character which comes through in our portrait. The oil painting was lovingly created in our woodland garden studio here in the UK by Nicholas. If you would like him to paint your Border Collies, please don’t hesitate to email us at any time.

Collie Portraits by Nicholas Beall

About the Commission of 'Sam and Scooby'

Pet portraits reference photos

Ruth & Joss Carroll, were given one of our gift vouchers by previous clients Liz and Steve in 2011 so their good friends could have their two dogs portrayed. It was a wonderful surprise for recipients Ruth and Joss and they were thrilled.

Nicholas has painted a number of Collie pet portraits over the years and was delighted to receive the wonderful photos of Sam and Scooby. Ruth & Joss took some lovely photos of their two collies out in their garden and Nicholas placed them side by side in the painting so it looks as though they were standing together when the original photo was taken.

Nicholas used single photos of the dogs and painted their portrait in oils on canvas 16 x 12 inches. The painting was framed by our local framer. Ruth telephoned us as soon as the painting arrived to them, to thank us which was really lovely, we always enjoy speaking to our clients.

Hi Melanie and Nicholas,
Have just seen picture in our email and we are both thrilled with it, Thank you so much its absolutely wonderful. We have looked at the framing options and we think the Tan line small would suit it best, could you possibly organise this for us. Thank you both again so much. Joss. x


Comment on our blog - How lucky we are! Sam and Scooby Doo. Not only do these beautiful collies belong to us, we now have them immortalized in oils by this wonderfully talented artist Nicholas Beall. Thank you so much.


I just wanted to say thank you for the beautiful painting that you have just finished of Sam & Scooby, 2 collies, for Ruth & Joss Carroll after we gave them a voucher. They are delighted with it. Hope all is going well and we have so many comments about our fab portrait of Nutmeg, Cassia & Mace (the three choc labs). We unfortunately lost Nutmeg back in November but at nearly 15 years old she had done very well and enjoyed life to the end.
Again many thanks
Best wishes

Dog Portrait - Collie Pet Portraits Framed

Here are a few photos of the oil painting framed in a lovely traditional wood frame.

Collie Portraits Framed
Collie Portraits Framed on the Mini Easel

Collie Dog Pet Portraits

If you have a Border Collie and would love to have Nicholas paint an oil portrait for you, please email us your photos at any time. We would love to design an oil painting for you and your family. We can be contacted via our pet portraits contact page at any time.

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