
pet portraits by commission | est 1996

Cat Portraits - Cat Pet Portrait in Oil

Welcome to the beautiful oil painting of Purdy. Nicholas Beall specialises in painting cats for commission and has been for the last 25 years. His chosen medium is oils on Italian linen canvas and feels that it is the perfect colour medium to portray cats with - perfect for depicting their beautiful soft fur. We hope that you enjoy reading all about Purdy and also seeing photos of our clients with the painting - and Nicholas too.

Cat Pet Portraits in Oils by Nicholas Beall

Commission of 'Purdy' - Cat Pet Portraits in Oil

Pet portraits reference photos

The cat pet portrait in oil of Purdy was commissioned by Alan and Amanda Siddall, UK in 2014. Sadly Purdy is no longer with us so were unable to take photos specifically for the oil painting, however they had one stunning photo of Purdy which was perfect for a portrait. Alan and Amanda decided that 12 x 10 would be the perfect size for Purdy too.

Nicholas wanted to create warmth within the painting along with a soft focus background and I think he has achieved this beautifully. The background gives the essence of Purdy being outside in the garden, however the colour doesn't overpower the scene. It allows Purdy to take centre stage.

Alan visited our art studio to collect both the portrait of Purdy and the second portrait he commissioned of Milly and Molly. You can see a few photos of the portrait framed in the beautiful Ornate frame with inner slip and some photos of Alan and Nicholas with the paintings below.

Happy Client Testimonials

Alan visited our studio to collect the portrait of Purdy, along with the second portrait he had also commissioned. His wife Amanda very kindly posed with the paintings when they were displayed in their home which you can see below. Thank you Amanda!

Alan and Nicholas with the oil portraits of Milly, Molly and Purdy
Amanda Sidall with the cat pet portraits
The cat portraits in Situ

Melanie & Nicholas,
This has been a lovely experience.. so excited.. cant wait to get the portraits home..
I've shown so many people your website and everyone is impressed with how the girls look.. my sister remembers Purdy fondly and she almost cryed when she saw her portrait.. as I did.. I hope you know what you do brings happiness to many people. With many thanks always
Amanda xx


Hi Melanie,
Alan got back at 11.15 last night.. and it was Christmas day.. I am so very happy.. what a talent Nicholas has.. I will treasure these paintings always.. the frames are beautiful.. photos will follow when we have them in place. Many thanks always..
Amanda xx

Cat Oil Portraits - Cat Painting Framed

Alan and Amanda both settled on a beautiful Ornate frame for their portraits. We hope you like the outcome!

Cat Portraits in Oil Framed
oil painting of Prudy framed by Jane our pet portraits framer
Portraits in Oil - both portraits

Cat Oil Portraits

We hope that you have enjoyed viewing Purdy and her oil painting, along with snippets of the other cat portrait Alan and Amanda commissioned too of Milly & Molly! If you would like a portrait of your cat, pop over to our cat portraits contact page and email us today.

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